Sunday, January 10, 2010

One Week Down...

We are back at school this week, and what a week it has been. Nothing was harder than getting up at 5:45 on Monday morning after not having had to do that for several weeks. However, I was excited to go back to school in many ways, because I made several resolutions that I am hoping are going to help me become a better teacher. Sticking to them, though, has been less than easy.

More than anything, I am trying to be a more engaging teacher. I have heard from various sources lately that, while my lessons are solid and I set the bar high for my students, I am not good at adding the fun into learning. I am surprised at how difficult I am finding this to do- I guess as a student who always wanted to learn, I didn't need to have teachers that used "gimmicks" to get our attention- but with my students I really do need to. This week, I added music- Revolution songs- to my lesson on the first battles of the Revolutionary War, and it went over with mixed results. Some of my students still thought it was boring, even though I was excited for it. I guess the bottom line is, I really need to start going out on a limb to get my students engaged and excited for work in class.

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